To promote a quality educational environment. The school will ensure improved learning levels of the students in all the classes in all subjects.

We teach them think, speak and write with clarity, precision and independence also engage in positive solution for a brighter future.

Latest Events

We at NSPS, believe in holistic development of every child. Our aim is to develop an environment where children get opportunity to learn and express themselves with right mindset which will be key to their success in future. Our efforts are to nurture in children a love for learning and high level for determination which will allow them to flourish their skills and knowledge in challenging situations to reach their finest potential.


Explore Our School

Delivering the World Class Education.

Over the last 35 years, we have been providing world-class education.

Social Events

On-campus school events to shape the social and intellectual character of students.

Certified Teachers
Teachers with extensive experience and certification at the highest level.
Global Community
We provide education to students from all around the world.
Practical Education
Get theoritical education as well as the practical understandings.
Extra Curricular Activities

Our students can participate in the various extra curricular activities on-campus as well as off-campus.

Our Student’s Success Stories